In 2023 we were able to receive, store, and redistribute 6.3 million lbs. of food and goods across the state of Florida. Product that would have otherwise gone to waste was instead used to help sustain 149,626 families in need.

We have had the honor of providing 51,877 children with food and necessities through out the state of Florida in 2023 alone.
Southeastern Food Bank distributes food and resources to more than 12,000 families monthly across Florida through its outreach programs.
Southeastern Food Bank currently distributes more than 500,000 pounds of food each month to more than 85 local non-profit organizations, who we partner with throughout the state.

Southeastern Food Bank provided over 27,123
volunteer hours last year facilitating a sense of unity in the community as well as assisting many High School students with community service credit towards qualifying for college scholarships.

Most importantly, by sharing the love of Christ through our Gospel and groceries programs we were blessed with the privilege of connecting over 2,914 souls to their Lord and Savior through our salvation ministry in 2023.