Your invaluable support has been fundamental in enabling us to uphold our mission of propagating the Gospel and supplying essential food items for over three decades.
As the Southeastern Food Bank, we consistently and collaboratively distribute over 500,000 pounds of food per month to more than 85 local non-profit organizations. What distinguishes us from many other organizations in our field is our steadfast commitment to providing complimentary food and hygiene products to those in need throughout our entire existence.
However, the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic has significantly increased our expenses. Currently, our monthly operational costs amount to approximately $34,000, with even refueling our semi-truck necessitating around $1000.
We are wholly dedicated to the continuation of our mission to deliver the Gospel and offer free groceries to as many individuals as possible. Your contribution, in any form, is sincerely appreciated and will be utilized for the betterment of our cause.